

 I raise Dewlap Toulouse geese. I have found them to be a very docile and fairly quiet breed. It is very difficult to get a good breeding from these birds since they need a good expanse of water. 



These are Pilgrim geese, a rare domestic goose. The photo is from Metzer Farms which specializes in waterfowl. This breed is also docile, and I enjoy them very much. The males are white and the females are gray.

I have also become attached to the flying Mallard. They are a bit smaller than the Rouen, and their wings need to be clipped as they like to fly.:)


Crested ducks have always had a place in my heart. Maybe it's because they never have a good hair day, like me.:) I can really empathize with them.



This is a link to a Dutch site that's all about geese!


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Lisa Marie Sault-Sanfilipo

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